
Monday, July 9, 2018

4th of July week thanksgiving....

Today my oldest grandson proudly told my husband that his shoe size has now surpassed Papa's.  His sister, our oldest granddaughter, just got her driver's permit. I sure wish time would slow down.

The past week and a half, life's normal routine has been continually interrupted. I like to be in charge of my own schedule and how I spend my time. But in a family, and also in a church community, needs arise that necessitate laying aside what I want in order to help others. I sure wish things only happened when it was convenient for me and my schedule.

Time, the way it zooms by all too quickly, the seeming lack of time to get everything done, and the lack of control, at times, of how I get to spend my time can all be points of frustration. These are not, as Ann Voskamp points out in the quote above, my real problem. The real problem is how I respond to these things. Giving thanks and journaling what I'm grateful for helps me to savor life's fleeting moments and to record them. It also helps me to see God's blessings even in the middle of life's interruptions.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-an unexpected day without somewhere I have to be 
-a sweet time of prayer
-sweet, juicy strawberries for dessert

-sweet snuggles, stories and songs with my middle grandson
-a fresh haircut and color
-getting a bunch of outside chores done
-my second born daughter's family staying for "Taco Tuesday" dinner

-our country's 242nd birthday
-a family BBQ
-our neighborhood's fireworks extravaganza

-all looks well on the ultrasound of grand baby number seven
-wild bunnies 
-taking my youngest grandson on a long walk
-talks with my daughter
-yummy 4th of July leftovers for dinner

-my brother's birthday
-a beautiful blue sky summer morning
-a relaxing day off

-bluejays in the backyard
-oldest granddaughter and middle grandson hanging out at my house
-a yummy dinner and fun visit with a young couple from church

-sweet, sweet worship
-God working in and through us
-God's faithful provision

still following,


  1. Sounds great! You are enjoying your time! Beautiful cracker lights!

  2. i always look forward to little glimpses of your life. and that new 'do' is beautiful.


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