
Monday, July 2, 2018

A healthy dose of daily praise...

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-morning hugs
-a beautiful day at the beach at our church's youth camp

-speaking to our youth

-a safe drive home from youth camp
-youngest daughter and grandson stopping by
-a quiet evening at home

-a walk to the park with my middle grandson
-a good heart talk with Jesus on my walk
-snuggling youngest grandson who was miserable from teething

-more decluttering-so freeing!
-our unofficially adopted granddaughter from church coming over for a visit
-going to our favorite Hawaiian restaurant with her and our granddaughter
-a good worship and prayer time at church

-a relaxing morning on our day off
-a beautiful and delicious lunch outside by the river
-my hubs watching The Great British Baking Show with me

-little green apples on the neighbor's trees
-making lemon-gingersnap ice cream for tomorrow's homemade ice cream contest
-our favorite baked beans, too
-a walk after all the Saturday chores and to-dos were finished

-more new faces at church
-such a powerful word
-a fun BBQ/potluck/ice cream contest - (I got second place!)

still following,


  1. Congratulations on the ice cream contest. You mentioned you have an "unofficially adopted granddaughter" from your Church. I have been blessed with unofficially adopted girls ....they are my bonus daughter and twin bonus granddaughters.

  2. She’s a super sweet 18 year old who’s about to go off to college. I’ll really miss her!

  3. * beautiful peeks into your days..
    * ann's quote :: convicting. necessarily so.

  4. 2nd place - congratulations! Beautiful images, as always, sweet friend! Blessings on your weekend.


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