
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A walk on the beach...

Our family reunion last week was at a campground about a mile walk from the beach. The walking/biking path to the beach led through some beautiful woods. At one point on my walk two huge, beautiful elk were standing just a few yards from me, but a noise spooked them just as I raised my camera to take a photo. Darn!

When I walked over the sand dune between the woods and the beach, it was a bit hazy. But, to me, any day by the sea is a beautiful day!

still following, 

Flower Friday


  1. Beautiful photos! Oh to happen upon! Lovely beach.

  2. Beautiful beach photos, especially the one with the beach ball!

  3. Great photography captures on your walk. Thanks for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  4. Beautiful photos, Elizabeth. I had a very good time in Oregon when I visited many years ago...
    Thanks for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme!


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