
Saturday, July 21, 2018

God's amazing love...

Last Sunday my extended family suffered a tragic loss of a loved one.  I don't have a lot of words today. But, that's okay. One word from God's Word is more powerful than anything I have to say.

This verse has been comforting me this week. When it says that death cannot separate us from the love of God the definition of the Greek word for death adds some insight.  (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, July 22nd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. May the Lord bring His comfort and peace at this time. Praying for you this morning.

  2. bless you dearly ♥
    may you be sheltered in His arms
    and know His peace.

  3. I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. Prayers for the comfort of your family.


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