
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Wondrous things...

This week, as I was reading the book of Galatians in my morning devotions, I came across a verse that I'm sure I've read many times, but never really seen. It made me pause and also made me wonder what it really meant. The verse was Galatians 3:19 and it mentions that angels were a part of the giving of the law to Moses.  My mind instantly went "what???" because I always thought, and in every Sunday School photo I'd ever seen, the giving of the law happened on Mt Sinai in an encounter between Moses and God alone.

If you've ever done an inductive type of Bible study, you are taught that the best way to understand the Bible is to let the Bible interpret itself. Yes, there is a place for commentaries and other helpful Bible study tools. However, first priority should be given to researching where else and what else the Bible has to say on a given topic. My curiosity about Galatians 3:19 led me to Deuteronomy 33:2 which made me think, "How did I not know this before?" It then led me to Psalm 68:17Acts 7:53, and Hebrews 2:2.  There are five clear mentions in Scripture of the fact that angels were a part of the giving of the law to Moses, and yet I had never noticed it in all of my years of Bible reading and Bible study. I'd never heard it mentioned by anyone else either. My point in all this? God desires to open up His Word to us and show us wondrous things. But, we have a part to play in making that happen.  (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, July 15th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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  1. Like you, I love when God opens my eyes to something I have never before seen in His Word. I am continually amazed by all I have to learn and discover in Scripture. It is indeed, a wondrous book!

    1. God's Word definitely is amazing! I love it so!

  2. I too always pictures Moses alone with God. Thank you for the spurring to read and delve into it. I have to admit, I am in a dry spell so I may print the last parts of your post as a reminder to get back into my daily reading. I have let Summer company throw me off, but then I shouldn't use that as an excuse. Thank you for your scriptural sharing nudge.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. I'm glad my post was an encouragement to you!


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