
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Beating the heat...

Sometimes, when you're having a record breaking hottest summer on record, you unashamedly play hookie from normal life and responsibilities and drive to the beach on a mid-week afternoon. It's amazing how the temperature can be 30 degrees cooler by the sea than it is just a short drive inland.

 Our four year old grandson was our companion for our afternoon at the beach.

Summer will soon be over and the rain will inevitably return to the Pacific Northwest. When the rainy days seem relentless, I'll try to remember this day when we wanted to escape the summer heat.

still following, 

Flower Friday


  1. Great pics. That is one of my favorite places to go. We got to escape to Siletz over the week-end. The weather was perfectly pleasant there.

    1. Indeed! Getting away to the beach in this hot weather is heavenly!

  2. One of the best summers we had was at the Oregon coast. We drove down from BC and spent a week at Seaside. The house we rented happened to have a private beach area and it was just divine!

  3. I just love that first shot! The wreck is so cool! But of course, a day with your grandson tops all.

  4. A lovely afternoon! Love that first image with all the negative space! Have a blessed day!

  5. What fun! I love your beautiful photos!

  6. He is so cute and bet he was so fun to watch as he enjoyed the beach. I miss being at the lake in the Summer and the grandbabykins enjoying the beach. I could use a cool off though with the latest weather.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  7. These all make me long for the beach! Lovely series of photos.

    1. I always long for the beach! I wish I had a beach cottage!

  8. Wonderful atmospheric shots!
    Thanks for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  9. I love your photos but your photos of this beach make me smile and think happy thoughts! We lived near that beach and the wreck when our now-grown children were very young. The wreck was not buried in as much sand and much more was visible than now. But I still love to see it all the time.


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