
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My hometown...

I grew up in a little suburban town south of Portland, Oregon. After I was born, I came home from the hospital to the same house that I moved out of when I went away to college. I started school with many of the same kids that I graduated with. Once Mama moved into a retirement community in Portland, there wasn't much of a reason to return to my hometown, though on occasion I'd get sentimental and drive through it. But, all that has changed. Our youngest daughter and her husband just bought a house there! It's been so fun to walk all over town with my youngest grandson in his stroller on the very same sidewalks I used to walk on and past the same streets, buildings and landmarks that are so familiar to me.

Growing up, we'd swim and fish in the Clackamas River. Some of my more foolhardy siblings used to jump off that bridge into the river!
 Now there's a lovely walking path that wasn't there when I was growing up.
 The "Pow Wow" tree was a well know historic spot back in the day, but now it's properly marked.
The city park used to have a wading pool, but they've now filled it in and made it a splash pad. My grandkids love it!

I loved growing up in my little hometown and now this guy, (and his sister that is due in January), will get to grow up there!

still following, 

Flower Friday


  1. Always tugs at the heart to revisit past haunts. Took my grandson recently to the neighborhood I grew up in and the house seemed so little and the yard that I thought was massive is nothing, but the memories of that neighborhood and all the kids that were constantly out playing, the people, and my grandparents make me always smile. Your hometown sounds nice and is awesome that your daughter chose to live there.

    1. It's is so funny to see how different things are through my eyes now compared to how I perceived them as a child. The "big hill" we used to ride our bikes down is barely a slope!

  2. Sometimes, it's fun to stroll down old streets. I can tell you have lots of great memories.

  3. ...when I was in the nursery business the Portland area was a destination every summer to visit my suppliers. Over a 35 year period I saw amazing growth in the area. I should return! Thanks for stopping by, please come again.

    1. How fun to read that you have a connection to the city I grew up near!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm so excited that the baby of our family is having a baby girl!

  5. Good memories, and more memories to be made!

    1. Life has come full circle and I'm loving it!

  6. This was just delightful! Such a peaceful little town south of Portland...with beautiful views. Loved the memories you shared!

    1. Thank you so very much! So glad you came by!

  7. Looks like a great place to grow up....lovely photos!

  8. There is something so comforting about going back to a place you loved. I am glad to hear your grandies are enjoying it too. Have a lovely weekend ahead and thank you for visiting my blog this week. It was lovely to "Meet" you.

    1. Thank you, Jill! It is indeed, so fun to have a reason to go back to my beloved home town frequently.

  9. I lived in Portland for 4 years during college. Oregon will always have a special place in my heart. If I could ever get my husband to move there, I would in a heartbeat. Sadly he isn't as fond of it as I am. I miss driving up the Columbia Gorge and going to the water fall or sitting along the banks to just clear my head. I miss being so close to the mountains and the sea.

    1. I love it here and am thankful to live in such a beautiful place!

  10. That's so neat, Elizabeth! It looks like a lovely town.


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