
Monday, August 6, 2018

Planks of thanks...

I'm not feeling well today, part headache, part "can't wait for vacation-itis"! Truthfully, 2018 has been challenging. In January, our second born was hit by a truck while out jogging. She has long term effects from the head trauma that she is still coping with. In April my niece died. Last month I tragically lost a nephew. Mixed in there are the challenges that come with ministry life, (or any job in which you are primarily dealing with people and their problems). But, also mixed in there are the myriad of blessings that I am daily surrounded with. God's faithfulness to me is abundant. I will continue to build the bridge to tomorrow with my planks of thanks, even on days when I feel like vacation can't come soon enough!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God at work
-cooler weather 
-our oldest granddaughter got her driver's permit!

-lessons from the book of Judges
-baking a rhubarb crisp and a berry crisp with our unofficially adopted granddaughter
-a farewell dinner for her before she leaves for college

-it's August!
-spending the day with my two youngest granddaughters
-going to the splash pad with the four youngest grands

-God goodness to me
-the sweetest birthday card from my guy, (and new Birkenstocks!)
-birthday texts from my out of state siblings and a visit and card from my sister that is in town
-oldest grandson calling me and telling me "Happy Birthday, Nana! May all your dreams come true!"
-sweet text from my oldest granddaughter
-lunch with my youngest daughter and her husband and a huge beautiful bouquet of flowers
-a surprise birthday cake at church tonight-carrot cake, my favorite!

-a wonderful, (on the day after), birthday brunch at our oldest daughter's with our whole family
(photo is minus one son-in law who came late and plus two friends of the two oldest grands)
-a cooler day with even a bit of drizzle
-watching the Great British Baking Show with my guy

-morning fog
-God speaking to me through His Word
-snuggles with my snugglebug four year old grandson

-powerful worship
-my husband's great message in spite of having a tough week
-a great evening with our church leadership

still following,


  1. Elizabeth, as the wife of a "retired" minister (do they ever really retire?), and a preacher's kid, I can so relate to your post. There were so many days when I begged the Lord to "get us out of here!" Those were usually Mondays. But, you have had an unusually difficult year and I trust your vacation time will allow your body and spirit to be refreshed and renewed.

    1. Thank you for understanding, Elizabeth! Vacation is twenty days away!

  2. Oh, glad you have a vacation coming up! Time to rest and recharge. God is always, always present and faithful, isn't He?

    1. Yes, indeed He is! He continually undergirds me and sends the strength and encouragement I need to keep on keeping on.


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