
Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Word of God will stand forever...

I'm embarrassed to admit that I own fourteen Bibles - I just went into my home office and counted them. I'm pretty sure that my pastor husband owns even more Bibles than I do. We both still have the old worn out Living Bibles with the padded green covers that seemed to be the preferred Bible of our teen years. We have the "more scholarly" New American Standard Bibles required in our Bible college years. We have the marked up and worn thin Bibles that carried us through our early ministry years and other Bibles from all of the subsequent seasons of life since. We also have many different translations of the Bible.

When I was a child most Bibles looked alike and most were the King James translation. The Bible was easily recognizable- a black leather cover stamped with the words Holy Bible wrapped around gold edged, incredibly thin paper pages. It was a revered possession in my childhood home. In a similar way that there are rules for handling the American flag out of respect for what it stands for, my daddy had Bible handling rules. You didn't set the Bible down on the floor. You didn't stack other objects on top of the Bible. I wonder what my daddy would think of my journaling Bible that I write, draw and color in! The truth is, I'm a lot less concerned with how carefully we physically treat our Bibles, and a lot more concerned about how we treat the Bible as the Word of God.  Sadly, we live in an age when, even in the church, we think that what we think about what the Bible means is exalted above finding out what God Himself says it means. We think we can ignore the parts that make us uncomfortable or that go against the current cultural mindset. We have lost our reverence for God's Word in a much more serious way than setting a cup of coffee on it's cover - we have lost our reverence for its words, for embracing it as God breathed truth, for honoring it as our plumb line for living. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, August 19th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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  1. Elizabeth, it is amazing how many Bibles we have over the course of our lives. I still have my "Reach Out' Bible from during my teen years. I loved that Bible as it brought Scripture to life for me. I am so grateful His Word always has been, and always will be, alive and active in the life of those who search it out. Wonderful post!

  2. The not sitting anything on the Bible held true for me for many years, and oh when I, in earnest, decided to read the entire Bible, I felt guilty writing notes. But that has long gone by the wayside now. I journal, I try my hand at putting art into it. I've purchased napkins and that's the next that I'll be trying...applying the napkin to the pages. I have kept one that I haven't marked all up, but I'm hoping the ones with all my notes and comments and pictures will be a blessing to my children one day. In beginning my quest to read Jesus' words only, I have already found some of his words that are uncomfortable. The world bends and twists, but I try to have a loving heart for the world while I keep my eyes and heart focused. Some days, it's not so easy. As always, and inspiring scripture blessing. Thanks.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  3. I find it sad that so often we take our Bibles for granted. We have the very words of God given to us - reading it, knowing it should be such a high priority and privilege to us!

  4. I also have a few Bibles and, like you, they were for different seasons. Not being raised in a Bible reading family, I was unaware of a standard for caring for my Bible. But, it is my most treasured book. I have always written in my Bible and how I wish I was artistic enough to create lovely Bible journaling pages! But, alas, I'm not. My "art" is my words.

    I'm so glad your shared your memories of the various Bibles you own. Your post was very interesting and enlightening! Thank you! :)


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