
Monday, September 24, 2018

Autumn blessings...

Looking out my kitchen window and at this week's weather forecast, you'd think it is still summer. But, the chill in the morning air and the changing colors of the trees say otherwise. It's officially autumn and that's an undeniable fact, though at the moment, current circumstances could fool a person into thinking otherwise. On any given day or moment, contrary circumstances can arise, causing one to question God's goodness. But, His love, favor and blessings are an undeniable fact, though at the current moment circumstances can fool you into thinking otherwise. Don't be fooled. Count your blessings. Take note of the evidence that God is faithful, steadfast, constant, caring, and loving. The signs of His love are all around you.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-the first cup of coffee in my favorite cup, lighting my glassybaby candle, 
sitting in my favorite cozy chair in our kitchen nook, meeting with God there
-lunch and fellowship with a sweet friend from church
-the trees beginning to show off their autumn colors

-praying God's Word-the verses that I stand on, feed on, live on, trust in
-a day in the kitchen cooking and baking for our first autumn small group gathering
-God's provision

-beautiful signs of autumn all around
-a sweet afternoon with my middle grandson
-living so close to beautiful parks, rivers and lakes

-texted photos of our grandson all decked out for preschool picture day
-a fresh haircut
-a powerful message on surrender

-getting to pick up our two youngest granddaughters from school 
-a backyard fire in the fire pit now that the burn ban is over 

-snuggling in our bed and watching the Wizard of Oz

-first day of autumn!
-making pumpkin scones with our granddaughters
-painting with our granddaughters, 
(and loving their painting more than the one I did a few weeks ago)
-a fun evening with a friend

-powerful worship
-a good word about worshipping in Spirit and Truth
-lunch with our oldest granddaughter
-friends stopping by for a visit 
still following,
(I am having some issues responding to your comments and leaving comments on other's blogs. 
Thank you for your grace and patience while I figure this out.)

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