
Monday, September 17, 2018

Blessings in the ordinary...

Some of life's biggest blessings are easy to miss because they are mixed in with the mundane and ordinary.

My morning ritual includes lighting a candle that sits atop the gray cabinet next to my cozy chair and a hot cup of coffee in one of my favorite cups. Such simple ordinary things-the candle, the coffee, the cozy chair, the bargain cabinet that is a perfect fit for that spot-each a simple blessing for which I am thankful. Think of a life stripped of all of these simple pleasures. How bland life would be! I've been keeping a gratitude journal for nine years, and yet there are still so many things, so many blessings, I fail to notice and give God thanks for. It's still all too easy to notice what I'm unhappy about!  I'm still a work in progress in giving thanks even for the seemingly insignificant.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-today's to-do list accomplished in spite of an unexpected interruption to my pre-planned day
-God speaking to me from 1 Peter 2:23
-getting to spend a couple of hours with my two youngest grandgirlies

-watching our youngest grandson while my daughter has a prenatal appointment-(we had a wonderful walk around my old hometown in spite of a bit of rain)
-a fluffy new comforter for our bed

-a good prayer time on my walk
-a phone call with my oldest sister
-time with a friend that I haven't spent time with in too long
-dinner at my sister's 

-being able to talk to God about anything and everything
-God's forgiveness and grace
-a good prayer time with a sweet young mama from church

-Psalm 25 in The Passion Translation
-my son-in-law's help on our brick lawn edging while I got to enjoy time with my daughter and grandson
-my hubs taking me out for my favorite fish tacos 

-a sweet quiet time with Jesus before a full, busy day
-hosting a baby shower for a sweet mama from our church

-knowing that God will never fail me, leave me or forsake me

-wonderful worship
-more new faces at church
-lunch with family and friends 

still following,


  1. Love your photos, as always. The baby shower looks like it was a success and a lot of fun. We have so much to give thanks for.

  2. "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
    ♥ precious promise ♥
    * it's cool this morning (50s). i lit my
    pumpkin spice candle and am drinking my
    second cup of liquid life as i type.
    * i'm thankful for so many things .. all
    blessings from above. worshiping in the
    midst of challenge gives a whole new
    perspective - God's view of the details.
    and brings calm in this troubled world. ♥


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