
Monday, September 10, 2018

Catching up on my thanksgiving!

On Saturday, we got home after two wonderful weeks of vacation. I have three weeks of gratitude journal entries to post and so many beautiful photos from both my phone and Nikon that there's no way to share them all. So here's my gratitude list and over the next couple of weeks I'll share more photos.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's faithful provision
-an answer to prayer
-my husband picking a bunch of blackberries for me

-fish tacos from my favorite place brought over by a friend
-meeting another believer in our neighborhood
-our oldest daughter and son-in-law coming over for a wee visit

-a super fun day with our two youngest granddaughters and middle grandson
-seeing God work when I pray, trust, and keep my mouth shut and my hands off!
-my granddaughter saying, "Nana's house is great!"

-meeting a sweet friend for coffee and a visit
-time together with leaders' wives
-a coolish autumn like morning
-a really good prayer time
-apple nachos and popcorn for a late night snack

-our youngest grandson making us laugh so hard
-Maine blueberry pancakes
-a VACAY mug to take on vacation with me

-an amazing sunrise this morning
-good discussion and learning together at the End Time seminar
-the fun of surprising someone with a little gift
-a walk and talk with Jesus that shifted my attitude

-a safe drive to the cabin
-encouraging texts
-a beautiful evening by the river

-10 1/2 hours of sleep!!!
-an overnight rain
-the rose of sharon all abloom
-praise God for his provision
-finding a good walking beach closer to the cabin than the one we usually drive to
-delicious homemade taco salad and guacamole eaten out on the deck by the river

-a sweet morning quiet time
-taking a drive up Hwy 101 and seeing the beautiful Heceta Head lighthouse
-texts that keep our family connected even when we are apart

-a slow, lazy relaxing morning
-the rocky, moody beach in Bandon
-the signs that the seasons are changing

-raindrops on the river
-cozy, soft sweatpants and sweatshirt
-video texts of our youngest grandson dancing
-a delicious dinner out on the deck of the cabin-London Broil with sautéed onions and mushrooms, 
with fresh corn on the cob, cucumbers, and tomato

-a huge heron flying over the river
-the generous use of the little cabin
-happy creativity-trying my hand at an abstract beach painting

-it's September
-youngest daughter and grandson coming over to watch the game with Papa
-texts from our middle daughter and kiddos who are enjoying some fun at an amusement park

-driving through the places of our beginnings on the way to Victoria
-the yummiest room service meal ever
-more fun family texts

-getting to catch an earlier ferry to Victoria
-walking all over beautiful Victoria
-the best shepherd's pie at the Irish Times pub
-a text that our daughter and kids got safely home from their adventure at the amusement park
-a video of our youngest grandson saying, "Mama!Mama!Mama!"

-God's faithfulness to us all these years
-God's daily provision
-afternoon tea at The Empress
-facetiming with our two youngest granddaughters to ask about their first day of school

-the scones at Murchies-heavenly!
-a beautiful walk to Beacon Hill park and time at the beach on the Strait of Juan de Fuca
-early to bed with a cup of peppermint tea and a book to read
-good report on a friend's brain surgery

-a safe and unexpected climbing adventure on the seashore by the strait
-our oldest granddaughter's happy news about her swim meet
-a delicious dinner out together
-a walk along the other side of the harbor
-Victoria all light up at night

-a gorgeous sunrise and a double rainbow!
-our favorite teriyaki eaten on the shores of Lake Washington
-meeting up with our middle daughter, son-in-law, and the grands

-spending the day with my middle grandson
-we are safely back home after two wonderful weeks
-our oldest granddaughter coming home with us so she can be at church for the worship team

-new faces at church
-my sister and brother-in-law in town and at our church
-my husband's message about God allowing our own zeal/passion to die so that His zeal/passion can be what drives us

still following,


  1. I loved catching up with your gratitude list and gorgeous photos again. We were at some of the same beaches a week ago and enjoyed the enchantment they always hold. Photos of Victoria brought back sweet memories of an evening there a year ago with family as we cruised home from Alaska. Thank you for sharing and challenging me to be thankful.


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