
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Let peace rule...

LET -allow to, permit to, give permission to, give leave to, authorize to, sanction to, grant the right to, license to, empower to, enable to- the peace and soul harmony which comes from Christ rule continually in your heart.

I don't know anyone who doesn't want more peace within. God wants us to allow His peace to rule in our mind and hearts. He wants His peace to be allowed to act as an umpire within us. In other words, He wants His peace to be allowed to call the balls and strikes in our thoughts and the desires and affections of our heart. But the big question is...HOW? (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, September 23rd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. Thank you, Elizabeth, for these beautiful words from scripture! It is always a wonderful reminder to know God is our source of Peace!

    Blessings to you, Net

    1. I’m so glad you popped by and we’re encouraged!

  2. Your scripture post resonates with my last few days and God reminding me to not lose my peace. So easy to become upset with the ways things are in the media and on social media. I got off the social media only to realize that I had items for sale on a local group and needed to keep in touch and I do like the private groups that I belong too, then God reminded me to just move on past the upsetting ones and not ruin my day. So then peace came and my mind was resolved to just let it wash over and move away from the upset that I can have no control over. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I can so relate to your comment. Letting His peace rule and reign within is a daily choice.

  3. His peace .. that passes all understanding.
    may it rest in our hearts this day ♥

  4. Good to be reminded that we are, all of us, members of Christ's one body. Beautiful photo too!

    1. I loved that God, in His wisdom, included that in this chapter!

  5. I know the Amplified Bible means that it spreads out the words and meanings for our understanding, but wow . . . sometimes those explanations increase the VOLUME of the passage for me as well, so it's amplified in yet another way!

  6. I love the Amplified Bible-the classic edition. I don't prefer the new updated version.

  7. Cooperate with God in the renewal of your mind resonated with me, Elizabeth because it is so easy to allow our thoughts and perspectives to wander into worrisome places, where peace cannot reside. A continual prayer of mine is for God to renew a right spirit within me, and so often this begins with "letting" him renew my mind. You have encouraged me today!


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