
Saturday, September 15, 2018

One heart...

The expression often used for two people that are close, inseparable even, is that their hearts are "knit together".  Unfortunately, many of us have experienced the excruciating pain that happens when two hearts that were once knit together are torn asunder by an offense, a misunderstanding, a betrayal or even just apathy and neglect. It happens in marriages. It happens in friendships. It happens in families. It happens in church. If it has happened to you, it can make you guarded and hesitant to let yourself get that close to someone again. It can make you afraid to trust again. It can even hinder you from drawing close to God and trusting Him. When difficulties surround you, when the enemy seems to be triumphing over you, when circumstances seem as though they are defeating you, you may cry out, "You, too, God? Have You abandoned me, too?"(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, September 16th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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  1. Thank you for this comforting and encouraging word today! So thankful that God's love never fails.

  2. Hello Elizabeth,
    I have been going through this heartbreak with a close friend.Our hearts were intertwined but offences have broken us apart. I really love the verse you have shared from Psalms.Thank you for the encouragement.


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