
Monday, October 1, 2018

Thankful for a God Who hears and cares...

It was an insignificant problem in the grand scheme of things, but an irritating one. For two weeks I've been unable to reply to comments on my own blog or to comment on others' blogs. I've tried most of the solutions suggested in online help forums to no avail. This morning after praying about it, I tried one more thing and it seems to have worked. Praise God! I'm so grateful that there is nothing too big or too small to ask God about. He's such a good Father and I am so grateful!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's faithful care and provision for us
-walking with my grand girlies and their friend to the park and then to McDonald's for sundaes

-a quiet evening at home with my poor sick husband who has a cold/flu

-a sweet, encouraging text
-talking to and praying with my "unofficially adopted granddaughter", 
(who is away at college now), on the phone
-a beautiful autumn day for a long overdue visit with a friend
-flowers from my guy

-another beautiful autumn day
-hot Pho soup for my husband who's still battling a cold
-watching the Great British Baking Show together, (yep, he likes it too!)

-a clean, sanitized house-be gone germs!
-watching, crying, praying as I watched the Senate hearing and knowing that God hears and cares
-the blessing of our worship and prayer night at church

-a beautiful sunrise out of my kitchen window
-lunch by the river at a favorite restaurant
-our oldest granddaughter getting first place in her swim meet

-a sweet phone call
-youngest grandson's puzzlement when it began to sprinkle on our walk 
and he couldn't figure out where the water was coming from!
-snuggles, songs, books and prayer before tucking him in

-God continuing His good work in us
-lunch with my sister and her husband before they move on after being in the area this past month
-God's Word to rest and trust from Isaiah 30:15

still following,


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