
Monday, October 15, 2018

Thanksgiving precedes the miracle...

Let's admit it. The things that aren't going the way we want them to in our life are often front and center in our thoughts. Then, along comes satan and he likes to give us a big old push down the slippery slope of doubt, fear, and unbelief. Soon, we catch ourselves murmuring and complaining and speaking words of hopelessness and despair. It takes DISCIPLINE and DIVINE HELP to DEVELOP a mindset of gratitude and thanksgiving - to be a person who speaks PRAISE instead of constantly reciting our PROBLEMS. Truth be told, even though my personality bend is more toward being an optimist, there are some days when it would be easier to list ten complaints in an ingratitude journal then three things I'm thankful for in my gratitude journal. There's always something to complain about, isn't there? It's finding the blessings in the midst of the mess of ordinary life that takes effort. Finding something to grumble about is the easy way out. Giving thanks is a bit like panning for gold...the dirt and debris of life is easy to spot, but it sometimes takes some sifting to find the treasure in our life. 

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
(Posting two weeks of my gratitude journal. 
We were out of town last week for an event at our friend's church in So.Cal.
It was a joy to be able to stay at my brother's home and to get to visit with him!)

-it's October!
-a blog problem resolved
-family dinner at my daughter's house

-Psalm 37
-getting a long procrastinated chore done-it feels so good!
-homemade soup
-laughing together with our small group

-God's grace and mercy when my mind and thoughts need realigned with God's
-the way my grandson's eyes light up and he yells,
 "Nana!", and runs and hugs me when I pick him up from preschool
-thinking I was getting sick but feeling better after going to bed early

-church volunteers that we couldn't do without
-God's provision
-praying together

-a safe flight to So Cal
-lunch at Dana Point harbor
-beautiful sunny weather and palm trees
-a walk to an overlook of the beach and city with my brother
-a wonderful dinner made for us by my brother and his girlfriend

-a hike along Laguna Beach
-fish tacos!
-a beautiful So Cal sunset

-a wonderful visit with our friends
-joy filled worship
-texted from oldest granddaughter that she made district in swim team

-another wonderful long walk with my brother
-a picnic on the grounds of the Montage

-dinner with my brother and his girlfriend at the Fistherman's Wharf in San Clemente

-making Dutch babies for breakfast
-a walk to San Clemente beach
-pumpkin pie!
-a safe trip home

-a foggy, chilly autumn morning
-God at work within my heart
-an afternoon with my sweet grandson
-a safe drive for our daughter on a business trip

-a really good night's sleep
-an answer to prayer for my niece in law
-such a good, good prayer and worship night

-texts from our oldest granddaughter
-this beautiful autumn day
-super cute photos of oldest daughter and her family at the pumpkin patch

-long phone conversation with my sister
-a phone call with my "unofficially adopted granddaughter" who's away at college
-trees aflame with autumn colors

-an encouraging visit over lunch
-another addition to our small group
-my youngest daughter feeling better after thinking she was getting the flu

still following,

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