
Saturday, November 10, 2018

House and Heart Cleaning...

It's the most wonderful time of the year!  The holidays are right around the corner. There are at least six different gatherings at our home before Christmas, so today I wanted to get an early start on my pre-holiday deep cleaning. I always start with the hidden areas, the cupboards and drawers and pantry in the kitchen, and the bathrooms and laundry room. Today, I emptied all the shelves and drawers, threw out old or unnecessary items, wiped everything down then put things neatly back. I highly doubt that any of the guests that gather in our home will notice the tidy state of my cupboards or drawers, much less care about them. But, I notice and I care. When things are in order in my home I can handle the extra busyness that comes during this time of year with more grace and peace.

My word for 2018 has been yield. For these eleven months since last New Year's Day, this year of focusing on yielding and surrendering to God has been one loooonnnnng season of deep cleaning.  I'm not sure anyone else can see what God has been doing within, but the deeper I let Him go into the hidden places within my heart and soul the more I'm able to face life with grace and peace.

Cleaning the house and cleaning my heart have some things in common.   (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, November 11th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. Amen to cupboard cleaning! It's how I calm myself!

  2. Cleanliness is a great feeling; whether materially or spiritually. What a great comparison you make. I am messy, but I do like to know all corners have been checked in my home periodically to make me feel settled. I like your scripture sharing of God searching. I pray he doesn't find dust bunnies that I'm not aware of, but if so, he will make them known.

    1. Thank you for hosting the link up each week and being such an encouragement to me!

  3. Cleaning is a continuous process for me too. I love "yield" as your one-word choice. What a rich way to live! Yielding doesn't come easy but it prevents so many accidents.

    1. I love that yield has two means. To surrender is one but also to "yield" a harvest. I think surrender and fruitfulness are inseparably linked!


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