
Monday, November 5, 2018

I will give thanks to You, forever...

Thanksgiving is more than just a day we celebrate later this month. It should be the lifestyle of us as Jesus followers. satan loves to get our focus on to all of the things that we don't like about our life-the prayers we've yet to have answered, the circumstances we don't like, the hurts that have come our way. he hates it when we praise God and give Him the thanks we deserves. Our choice to be a person of praise and gratitude is one of the most powerful spiritual weapons against the forces of darkness that we have in our arsenal. I choose to give thanks to God, forever!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God speaking to my heart about the Repairer of the Breach
-lunch and a walk and good talk with G.
-an evening of rest in our hotel

-God's faithful provision
-lunch with G. and I. before heading home from Kansas City
-a safe flight home
-our middle daughter and two oldest grands picking us up from the airport

-taking our middle grandson to preschool decked out in his spiderman costume
-the coziness of our home on a rainy day
-cute photos via texts of the youngest grands in their costumes

-It's November!-Thanksgiving month!
-my guy
-praying with a friend
-new winter boots
-a really good prayer time

-a sun break for a good walk with youngest grandson
-going to oldest granddaughter's swim meet-
(She made varsity swim team as a freshman and made it to district!)
-watching a Hallmark Christmas movie with youngest daughter

-youngest daughter and grandson staying overnight while some electrical updates are being done on their home
-the hubs saying that a healthy chicken, veggie, quinoa stir fry is a new favorite!
- snuggles with youngest grandson

-God's grace
-Sunday afternoon rest
-munching on popcorn and watching a Christmas movie with the two oldest grands

still following,

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