
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

More November gratitude...

I'm a day late with my gratitude post because of Veteran's Day. We took the day off and enjoyed spending the day with our two youngest granddaughters while their mama and daddy worked. Our youngest daughter and grandson came by as well. The weather was cold, but sunny, so the grandkids and I bundled up and took a nice long walk. When we got home, Papa had built a backyard fire in the fire pit and we roasted hotdogs for lunch. I can't believe I didn't take any photos, but I guess I was too busy just enjoying the day, which is a good thing! 
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-an encouraging word right when I needed it
-running into someone at the grocery store who needed an encouraging word and some prayer
(thank you God that I received some encouragement and was able to share some encouragement because of YOU!)
-phone calls with both of my sisters
-a fun family dinner at our oldest daughter's

-the right to vote
-honest communication
-our small group

-tea and a sweet visit and time in the Word and prayer with a friend
-God blessing my husband through some online resources
-a treat for myself- Joanna Gaine's new HomeBody book
-an unexpected mid-week "date" with my guy

-a big, beautiful hawk perched on a lamp post
-walking, talking and praying with a friend
-sweet night of worship and prayer

-a beautiful drive up the Columbia River Gorge
-a bald eagle soaring by when we stopped at Cape Horn
-friends that came to the rescue when our car battery died

-"FamBam" texts with our daughters
-preholiday deep cleaning done-Whew!
-a dense foggy morning that gave way to a gorgeous blue sky afternoon

-a cold, foggy, frosty morning
-Jesus' blood shed for me and His body broken for me
-a wonderful spirit in our worship
-my favorite tomato basil soup and lunch with friends

still following,


  1. Just picked up HomeBody from the library today!

  2. Somehow I'm always catching up. Now I'm slowing down enough to see what I've missed! I always love coming by and finding your gratitude posts. You, dear friend, are a blessing to me!


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