Saturday, January 25, 2020

How To Take A Spiritual Retreat - Part Two

For part one of this series click here.

Last week I shared about a recent personal spiritual retreat that I took during a time of spiritual depletion and inner weariness. In last week's post I shared some of the symptoms of spiritual depletion. Today, in part two of this series, I'm going to share some practical tips on why you may want to take a personal spiritual retreat, how to take one and what to do on a retreat such as this. I hope you find this helpful and encouraging.

Why you may want to take a personal spiritual retreat.
As I mentioned in last week's post, this is only the second time in my sixty-two years of life that I've taken a time away by myself in order to hear from God and to be spiritually refreshed and restored. Most of the time I am able to avoid extreme spiritual depletion and weariness like what I recently experienced by building times of personal retreat into my normal life. (How to do that will be part three in this series.) I'm not sure why this time I needed more drastic measures to experience some measure of refreshing... (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, January 26th, at Woman to Woman Ministries, where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,


  1. You have given food for thought for a getaway for reflection. As I am adjusting to my alone-ness, I have so much time to read and reflect, but a getaway from the routine sounds like it would be refreshing. Thank you for sharing.

    1. There’s something special that happens when you purposely get out of your routine to seek God!


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