Saturday, November 7, 2020

Eyes Wide Open In Gratitude

"Stay alert with your eyes wide open in gratitude." Colossians 4:2 The Message Bible

The social media memes abound about how horrible 2020 has been. I don't need to go through the whole litany of challenges we have faced this year-you all know them too well. And now our presidential election is a big contentious mess, because of course it is! Is anyone surprised? 

When we go through hard times, especially when a difficult season is prolonged, our problems can blind us to our blessings-all we can see are the difficulties.   (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, November 8th  at Woman to Woman Ministries, where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,


  1. I have not visited your blog for a very long time . . . but I am so happy that I landed here today. In these times of spending more time at home, I have a need for more Christian fellowship and encouragement and your wonderful blog is a blessing. Thank you for sharing your faith and gratitude, it's a breath of fresh air on a day when I needed a lung full :) or should I say a heart full.
    God bless you,
    Connie :)

    1. What an encouragement to me to have you back here!

  2. "He is good and He is in control of my life and all that I face." Simply, "Amen." Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. Some days the boughts of anxiety make it hard to go on knees, bend the head and pray and give thanks. But, I have because our wonderful America and people need as well as ourselves need praying for. God is in charge, and I been reminding myself of that, and your post helps. Mostly, my prayer is for this Covid and for the scientists that God has given so much knowledge to come up with a resolve for at least this strain. People I know have had or have it, and some have died leaving their family devastaged. But God has the power, and is in charge. Praying for peace for all. And true, there is always things to be thankful for. Happy Sunday.

    1. I am praying as well. There is great power in praying in agreement together.

  4. I love the verse that you chose to go with your post. Heading over to read the rest at W2W.


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