Thursday, November 2, 2023

Weekly Gratitude Journal

It's November, the month of Thanksgiving! I love the Thanksgiving holiday and the way that it reminds us to express our gratitude. However, gratitude is an attitude that should be fostered as a lifestyle. We should express gratitude to the people God has placed in our life but above all we should be mindful to give thanks to God, "For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen." Romans 11:36  I'm posting all the rest of October's gratitude journal entries today. This month I will be giving thanks every day of the month, not just on Thanksgiving day, because every single day there is always something to be thankful for! 

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-early morning prayer with some of the women from church
-the perfect color of TV stand/credenza for our living room refurbishing
-Thursday night Bible study that is so good!

-Friday date day with my guy
-a very summer-like autumn day
-new chairs, art and pillows for our living room
a perfect half "day moon" in the cloudless blue autumn sky

-my nephew and niece in-law's help putting the TV stand together
-help with our yard from two young men from our church
-my husband's care for me

-a powerful and challenging message
-a delicious lunch with my guy
-a safe flight to California-my daughter and granddaughter's greeting me at baggage claim

-stunningly beautiful morning sunrise

-baking for my loved ones (banana bread and french bread)
-a lovely afternoon walk
-watching the sunset with my son-in-law, daughter and granddaughters

-giant pinecones
-my family singing along to worship songs on the drive to Roseville
-shopping with my granddaughter for her homecoming dress

-watching a silly Hallmark moving with my granddaughters
-cooking dinner with my daughter
-good talks with my girl

-praying the same prayer points today as all of the women at our church at home are praying even though I'm in California
-getting to see my son-in-law and daughter's new church, (they are pastors), and meet some of the staff
-giant cups of Dole pineapple whip

-another amazing sunset

-giant apple fritters

-pumpkin patches

-hills covered with vineyards, orchards and Christmas trees
-Mexican food for dinner
-this great day with my oldest girl and her family

-giving my granddaughter a mani/pedi in prep for her first homecoming
-getting to watch her and her friends get photos taken

-hugs goodbye
-a safe trip home

-God's work in and through my husband
-God's beautiful work in a new believer
-more new faces at church

-tickets to go to our daughter's for Thanksgiving
-God speaking to my heart
-phone calls from my daughter and grandkids
-a freshly bathed pup
-homemade chicken soup on a rainy day

-foggy, fall mornings 
-fun plans for Thanksgiving
-texts with my oldest granddaughter
-homemade chicken parmesan for dinner
-spending the evening with J and D

-this beautiful sunny, warm autumn day
-fish tacos and a little mid-week outing with my guy
-new curtain rods and curtains

-praying with the women from our church on Thursday mornings
-our whole church family praying together for a dear one facing some health issues
-God's loving correction in my life

-a safe trip for my guy
-a peace-filled productive day
-God's provision

-a rare slow relaxing Saturday morning
-a fun day spent with a dear friend
-a face time call with my oldest grandson

-beautiful worship
-powerful word from DFC
-a new chair for my guy

-strength to get ready for tonight's growth group in spite of a migraine
-God's provision
-an encouraging night with growth group

-good reports
-a cozy, rainy day at home
-autumn colored orange-y nail polish
-a sweet time in the Word and prayer

-my guy safely hone
- a refreshing early morning walk
-a cozy, quiet evening at home together

-early morning prayer with friends
-a full refund on the chair that didn't work for my guy
-a beautiful autumn afternoon
-a much needed nap after two nights of little sleep

-Friday date day!
-a great Harvest party at church and all of our wonderful volunteers who made it happen
-our old living room furniture being put to good use by someone else

-another new chair ordered!
-new mercies every day and joy that comes in the morning
-praying together with my guy in the mornings

-powerful, profound message
-lunch with friends
-a beautiful autumn walk

-an early morning phone call from my daughter
-C coming to the Lord!
-our 6 year old grandson memorizing scripture  (20 verses!)

-a good night's sleep
-a new recipe for lemon biscotti

-tea, prayer and planning with N.
-texts with photos of our grandkids in their Halloween costumes

still following,

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