
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Gratitude Journal-January 2024

I can't believe four months have flown by since I last posted! And in that post I expressed a desire to get back to writing and posting more often. Then, life happened! The scripture really is true, we are blind to what awaits us tomorrow. We can make plans, the Bible says, but it's God who directs our steps. The months have flown by filled with plans, appointments and events written in the calendar squares of my planner. Unexpected events and the needs of others around me fill in some of the empty spaces. Happy times, hard times, ordinary days filled with repetitious tasks, each one is sprinkled liberally with gifts from God. The greatest one of all, the one that could go at the top of every day's gratitude list is, He is with me.
He is with me. Always. Every moment. Every day. Every high. Every low. 

It's important to me to record, not just in my paper journal, but here in this online space, God's goodness. So better late than never, here is January's list of blessings.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-a lazy day home together
-a pot of healthy veggie soup after the rich holiday foods
-a brisk walk-no rain!
-a phone chat with my two California granddaughters

-a FaceTime chat with my youngest granddaughter about her upcoming birthday
-a long chat and prayer with N
-God at work in and through the hard things

-homemade granola
-NEWNESS-my word for this new year
-a break in the rain for my walk

-women praying together every Thursday morning
-early morning birdsong
-a young mama and her busy little boy coming over for tea and a visit
-fog resting on the river
-chicken and dumplings 

-a good night's sleep
-a slow, lazy Friday date day morning
-stovetop popcorn
-a miraculous healing of my nephew's heart!

-a long phone chat with a friend
-new plant pots for my plant babies
-reading a good book

-the power of God's presence
-such a good word about ascending on the way
-Sunday afternoon rest

-cozy candlelight
-warm oatmeal on a cold, rainy morning
-a day of working on notes for tomorrow's meeting
-trying a new to me dessert recipe
-groups texts with our family about the Washington Huskies game

-God's provision
-God's help and strength leading our monthly meeting in spite of a migraine
-talking with my husband about what God is showing him

-texts with our oldest granddaughter
-our youngest granddaughter saying she want us to get her "a real horse" for her birthday
-a new to us dinner recipe that we both loved

-praying together
-a good brisk walk with our dog
-finding her lost collar

-a sweet date day morning
-my grandson so excited that there will be a full moon for us to look at together 
when I visit them later this month
(seen in the photo above!)
-a sweet FaceTime chat with my two South Carolina grandsons

-a quiet snowy morning, sipping coffee, praying, reading my Bible, journaling
-cleaning house and making homemade split pea and ham soup with some homemade bread
-a phone call with my California granddaughters
-Face time calls with my East Coast daughters and grandkids

-meeting on Zoom for church due to the snow-such a good word and discussion!
-some of the youth kids from church popped by and helped eat up our Sunday dinner ❤️
-all power outages restored

-the weather cleared up enough to run an errand
-our nine year old grandson's crazy adventures, (involving him and a friend and some bear spray!), 
that made us all laugh so hard 
-a warm home, hot water, electricity

-a good night's sleep
-a cup of my favorite tea brought to me by my guy
-the neighborhood kids and families skating on the pond behind our house

-waking up headache free
-a procrastinated task finished
-making plans with my grandkids to make cinnamon rolls when I visit them

-clear enough roads to run errands
-another headache free day
-cozy quiet moments after a busy day

-no weather complications for our flight
-a fun date day together
-God's work in us

-buying our granddaughter a new winter coat
-getting to see so many friends at the memorial service
-the legacy of a life lived wholeheartedly loving and following Jesus
-a FaceTime chat with our youngest grandson

-a powerful word
-lunch with friends
-Sunday evening with my guy

-sweet compliments from my husband
-God's work in Growth Group
-all packed and ready for tomorrow's flight 

-a safe, uneventful flight to Jacksonville
-my grandkids meeting me at baggage claim, running to me yelling, "Nana!" and giving me big hugs
-chatting with my youngest daughter

-a walk with my girl
-a nap (jet lag!)
-snuggling and watching B.F.G. with my youngest granddaughter
-playing play dough and singing with my grandkids

-walking and exercising with my daughter
-new school shoes for my granddaughter 
-generous Papa making sure we have money for treats
-buying bubblegum and trying to teach my grandkids how to blow bubbles
-looking at the "wolf moon" with my grandkids

-some quiet time with the Lord while everyone else was still asleep
-an afternoon of baking with my youngest granddaugher

-homemade pizza night and a movie with my daughter and granddaughters

-our youngest granddaughter's fifth birthday!

-homemade cinnamon rolls for birthday breakfast

-a beautiful 80 degree day to go to Big Talbot Beach for the afternoon

-our middle daughter and her two youngest kids arrived safely to our youngest daughter's house

-beautiful worship 
-my grandsons telling each other, "I love you."
-a wonderful post birthday dinner and celebration

-a good report from home
-my oldest grandson facetiming me

-a refreshing morning walk
-playing in the sunny backyard with my youngest grandson

-pho soup for dinner
-oldest granddaughter calling

-some quiet time with the Lord
-dinner at my daughter's in-law's
-our grandkids having so much fun with the neighbor kids
-my daughter giving the grandsons haircuts

-God's provision for us
-our middle daughter and her boys having a safe trip home
-helping in my grandson's classroom making 100 days of school T-shirts
-working with my daughter on some projects around the house

still following,

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