Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Weekly Gratitude Journal-February 202

Hello! I'm still here and I'm alive and well. I last posted in May. I shared my January gratitude journal and had hoped to get caught up posting the missing months. But here it is August already, and I'm farther behind than ever.  Life is full and busy and my blog is evidently at the bottom of my priority list. However, keeping up on my gratitude journaling is a daily priority...the breakdown happens when it comes to posting it here. I thought about just skipping the months I didn't record online, but then I decided that my commitment to declare God's faithfulness in this online space was important to me. So, to my readers, however few there may be since I've not posted in so long, take a journey back though this year with me. We are already almost three fourths of the way through 2024, can you believe it?

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-It's February!
-a lovely day exploring Fernandina Beach with my youngest daughter and her mother-in-law

-fish tacos at Salt Life, (YUMM!) and a rooftop view!
-a walk, dinner, homework, reading and a movie with my grandson
 (mom, dad and sister are fighting a tummy bug)

Feb.2, 2024-
-playing the game of life with my daughter and grandson and granddaughter
-everyone is feeling better today
-a quiet, relaxing day

Feb.3, 2024-
-God's protection that we were not in a serious car accident that happened right in front of us
-my daughter bravely helping the people involved in the accident while I stayed in our car with the grandkids
-a nice lunch together before my flight home
-no one seated next to me all the way home!

Feb.4, 2024-
-water baptisms!
-making candles with some of the ladies from church
-Sunday night relaxation-watching our favorite PBS shows together

Feb.5. 2024-
-1 Corinthians 13:12 AMPC I am fully and clearly known and understood by God
-puttering around and tidying my house 
-snuggling with my guy
-my daughter texting that she misses me

Feb.6, 2024-
-a tiny hummingbird perched on the top of a small tree
-clear weather for a walk
-helping and encouraging a sister in the Lord
-a hopeful job interview for our daughter

Feb.7, 2024-
-a good night's sleep
-a busy day filled with God's peace
-dinner and planning and heart talks

-starting the day with prayer with the women of our church
-a medical procedure for my guy that went well
-resting and relaxing together
-texts from our oldest granddaughter
-texts from my youngest brother

-date day with my guy
-a phone chat with my two middle grand girlies
-facetiming with my middle daughter and grandsons

-a sweet morning quiet time with the Lord
-text chats with our girls
-lunch and antiquing with a friend

-coffee in bed
-God led conversations
-FamBam texts about the Super Bowl
-signs of spring approaching

-God's help with prep for tomorrow's meeting
-my oldest sister, (who's in heaven now), would have been 80 today
-God's provision

Feb. 13, 2024-
-making Mama's oatmeal cake recipe to take to our meeting
-women sharing what God is doing in their lives
-daffodils, tulips, snowdrops and grape hyacinth all popping up in our flowerbeds

Feb. 14, 2024-
-my husband taking Valentine's day off to spend it with me
-Valentine texts and photos and FaceTime calls with our girls
-a cheery little bouquet of flowers in the cute plant pot my daughter gave me

Feb.15, 2024-
-early morning prayer with some ladies from our church
-our second oldest granddaughter is 15 today!
-a phone chat with her

Feb. 16, 2024-
-robins and chickadees making an appearance-spring is coming!
-phone calls with my siblings
-God's peace and presence

-a fresh croissant with raspberry jam
-early morning texts from our girls
-God changing the life of someone we've been praying for for a long time

-our home
-longtime friendship
-the four youngest grandkids having fun being together in South Carolina

-our youngest daughter and her kiddos arriving safely back home in Florida after their trip to South Carolina
-homemade crepes with fresh blueberries
-sunny weather for today's walk
-a great meeting with our growth group coordinators

Feb. 20,2024-
-a credit on our gas bill this month
-a good long heart talk with a friend
-my guy is home after a trip out of state

-a sweet time of prayer
-my favorite tea
-praying for someone dear
-the sound of spring - frogs 

-my guy making me coffee before my early morning prayer call
-early morning birdsong
-I broke a tooth! But the dentist was able to get me right in

Feb.23, 2024-
-my guy bringing me my favorite tea and making a run to Costco for me
-the women of our church praying for our oldest daughter and her family
 who have been struggling with sickness
-God healing my granddaughter

-feeling much better this morning
-getting some chores done
-an encouraging message

-someone we've been praying for was at church today with her whole family
-a surprise for my husband from the young people in our church
-daffodils in bloom
-our youngest grandson showing us the newest addition to their farm on FaceTime-
two little goats

Feb.26, 2024-
-God's provision
-a sun break for my walk
-growth group

Feb.27, 2024-
-it's my husband's birthday today!
-so many texts, calls, FaceTime, etc.wishing him a happy birthday
-a day trip to the beach together

-being able to listen to worship music while getting dental work done
-good reports from the growth group meetings
-my youngest daughter got a job at her children's school

-Leap Day! An extra day this year!
-God's help, my husband's help, my nephew's help to get me an emergency flight to Jacksonville, Fl. (our youngest daughter very seriously broke her ankle/leg)
-making my super tight connection in Atlanta
-good news-our middle grand girlies have airline tickets to visit us for spring break

still following,